
Join us in preserving our marine heritage through Pawicamp, an initiative committed to protecting and rehabilitating endangered aquatic species, particularly the pawikan, together with our partners, we strive to educate and empower communities to safeguard our precious natural resources.

In partnership with
Partner Logo - Aboitiz Foundation
Partner Logo - DENR
logo - abotiiz power

What is Pawicamp?

Pawicamp is an environmental awareness education program dedicated to the protection and rehabilitation of nature reserves critical for endangered marine species, especially the pawikan (Philippine Sea Turtle). Launched in 2019, this initiative is a collaborative effort between JCI Davao, the Aboitiz Foundation, and the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources Region 11 (DENR 11).

It is a transformative 1-Day activity camp designed for young active citizens who aspire to become eco-warriors – individuals who are both knowledgeable and motivated to protect and preserve our environment. 

Since its inception, Pawicamp has made significant strides in raising awareness and taking actionable steps towards marine conservation. The project has engaged hundreds of volunteers and community members, leading to a more informed and active community in environmental protection efforts.

Objectives of the Project

Raise Awareness

Educate the community about the importance of marine conservation and the vital role of the pawikan in the ecosystem.

Conservation Efforts
Implement activities aimed at protecting and rehabilitating habitats crucial for the survival of the pawikan and other endangered marine species.
Community Involvement
Engage local communities in conservation activities, fostering a sense of responsibility and stewardship for the environment.

Key Activities and Implementations

2024: Geology, Entomology and Forestry

Date: June 1, 2024
Project Chair: Marlon Suelto

This year’s implementation focused on the interdependent roles of geology, entomology, and forestry in maintaining and protecting sea turtle sanctuaries. Experts from DENR XI – PAMBCS, the University of Southeastern Philippines Geology Department, and the University of Mindanao presented their insights, highlighting how these fields shape ecological landscapes and ensure the resilience of turtle habitats against environmental changes and human impact.

2023: Better World for the Pawikans

Date: May 20, 2023
Project Chair: AC Bajana
Project Co-Chair: John Chin



Join us in our mission to protect and rehabilitate the habitats of the pawikan and other endangered marine species. Your participation can make a difference!