JCI Davao - Grab Crab Logo

Grab Crab

Empowering the Tambongon Fisherfolk’s Association, Grab Crab focuses on sustainable crab farming and marine product production, fostering community growth and ecological stewardship. Join us in supporting this vital initiative to ensure a prosperous future for the local fishermen and their families.
In partnership with
logo - Tamfias

What is Project Grab Crab?

Grab Crab is an initiative launched in May 2021 to support the Tambongon Fisherfolk’s Association in Lasang, Davao City. The project aims to create a sustainable marine ecosystem-based livelihood through crab production. Comprising fishermen and residents of Brgy. Lasang, the association faced challenges in crab production due to a lack of knowledge and resources. Through the support of JCI Davao, they gained access to training, resources, and partnerships, enabling them to expand their production to include seashells, fish, and other marine-based products.

Grab Crab has empowered the Tambongon Fisherfolk’s Association to establish a stable and sustainable livelihood. The project has significantly improved the economic well-being of the community, expanded their product offerings, and promoted responsible marine ecosystem management.

Objectives of the Project

Sustainable Livelihood
Establish a sustainable livelihood for the Tambongon Fisherfolk’s Association by enhancing their skills and resources in crab production and other marine products.
Community Empowerment
Equip the local community with the knowledge and tools needed to sustain and grow their marine-based businesses.
Ecosystem Preservation
Promote sustainable practices that protect and preserve the local marine ecosystem.

Key Activities and Implementations

2024: Financial Management, Mental Health Session, Installation of net barriers in the mud crab pond and fish cage installation

Date: 2024
Project Chair: Jerry Acido, Jr.

JCI Davao, in partnership with the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers - Davao Chapter, visited the Tambongon Fisherfolk's Association 4 times this year, each having its own set of agenda. The 4-part project gave valuable resources and knowledge to the fisherfolk's association specifically on the following areas: Financial Management, a more robust Mud Crab Farming and Nursery training, and mental health. Through PICE, the organization was also able to acquire net barrier for their mud crab farms.

2023: Installation of Net Barrier to Protect the Mangrove Area from Ocean Debris

Date: May 1, 2023
Project Chair: Jestoni Diaz

This year's focus is on installing net barriers around the coastline to prevent garbage and debris coming from the ocean. This net barrier will mainly protect the mangrove area housing the crabs that TAMFIAS will harvest. Part of the culmination was planting mangrove seedlings and coastal cleanup.

2022: Skills Development on Mud Crab farming

Date: April 16, 2022
Project Chair: Marlon Suelto

2021: Bubu Making, Sapyaw Making and Crab Cage Making

Date: April 15, 2021
Project Chair: Glenn Robledo



Support the Grab Crab initiative and help us build a sustainable future for the Tambongon Fisherfolk’s Association. Your involvement can make a lasting impact!